
We’ve been here in Ecuador for one day and it feels like eight, but that’s only because we’ve been doing so many cool things and it’s been so wonderful!

We arrived in Otavalo in time for breakfast this morning, and quickly retired to our rooms at Hotel Otavalo to sleep until lunch. Otavalo is a little city nestled in the Andes mountains, right below the volcano, Imbabura (not active).


Street vendors at the market.


Imbabura in the background.

At lunch, we were able to explore the local market– or what we thought was the local market– and see what the people of this city are like. Fruit, chicken heads, clothing, vendors lined the streets selling their goods and inviting us to buy.

Dogs are everywhere in this city, and they’re all very cute. The strays stay away from the humans for the most part, but the dogs that have owners just run around where ever they want. Especially in the market.

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In the afternoon, we visited a few indigenous artisans’ studios in Peguche, where they showed us how they make their products and how it is a part of their cultural and ancestral experiences.


A guitar-like instrument made from the shell of an armadillo.


Making a type of pan-flute.


This is Paco, he’s the sweetest, and lived at the studio.

Completely overwhelmed with all the experiences in one day, we headed back to the hotel to recuperate. Just outside the window there were two beautiful birds preening, American Kestrels.


American Kestrel sitting outside my hotel window.

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